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animist forest circles, 
spring series

Spots are full for spring!

Please reach out via email if you are interested in getting on the mailing list for the fall. 

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A flyer explaining how animist forest circles is a seasonal collective ritual in the spirit of animism. It is a collectivist, animist nature meditation practice in enchanted places, connecting humans with the elements, nonhuman species, and human community. Reciprocity, animism, presence, and interdependence are cornerstones of this practice. We will focus on journaling, meditation, walking, presencing, and connecting with others. It takes place in an intimate pod of people, sharing the intention of sustainably and regeneratively cultivating other ways of being together.

Arielle, Winter Cycle

Participating in Animist Forest Circles has broadened my appreciation for the more-than-human world–an appreciation already quite large which I did not know could expand ever farther. Arriving every week at Rock Point, my stress and my mind's preoccupation began to melt away. The trees, rocks, dirt, and water welcomed me. The smoke rising from the chimney at our cabin reminded me I was arriving to a place where I could simply be.
Once out on the trails, I could meander and become lost in the magical, dense forest listening intently to the messages from the trees. Their wisdom guided me and protected my wanderings. I would recommend Forest Circles to those who are looking to expand their perception of the universe and of themselves. For those who have felt constrained or pressured by outdoor/nature practices, this circle is an invitation rather than a prescription. It is an offering rather than a doctrine.

Spots are full for spring!

Please reach out via email if you are interested in getting on the mailing list for the fall. 

Forest Circles, Spring Series

similar to forest bathing, rewilding,
and nature-based meditation,
but different.

find community, presence, and stillness
by re-connecting with the earth and its beings

What are animist forest circles?

Dedicating oneself to a nature practice is not only about calming the nervous system and engaging in mindfulness, but also about connecting to the animated spirit of the land, the spirit of community, and the very personal spirit that is housed inside your sacred human body.

Animism is about rejecting the idea that homo sapiens are the only life form with consciousness on this planet, and instead embracing the understanding that all of the elements and organisms living & existing here are conscious, feeling pieces of the intelligent whole of this planet. That, in fact, the earth itself is an intelligent, conscious organism who is here to live through and be in relationship with all of us, not to serve us as a mechanistic 'resource.' 

You do not have to have experience or confidence in this realm to attend this series. This is a container for learning and growing, and experiencing the support of a community who is also attempting to do the same. The skills & abilities you need to presence deeply in nature are already inside of you; we are simply giving them space to be coaxed out.


In this series, we will be engaging in guided forms of walking and sitting meditation. We will be using the words of wise & beloved animist authors between sessions to journal, presence, co-contemplate, and root deeper. We will be connecting through deep resonance practice with circle-mates. We will be greeting the elements around us. We will feel into interconnectedness and interbeing. We will get to know chosen plants.


See below for dates, times, payment, and signup. We will have a cabin with a wood-burning stove in Rock Point as a refuge from the elements where we can engage in practices that require bodily stillness. Each session, we will also be walking outside, practicing with the woods and meadows. 

next steps:

If this practice is calling to you, please schedule a forest circles clarity call with me (15 min) so we can confirm we are in alignment, and make sure we are building the intentional community of practice that we seek. Then, you may sign up & receive the final steps. 

Want to learn more about forest circles from someone who has already taken the course? Reach out to me to schedule a reflection call with a previous participant! 

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dates, time, location

  • dates: every Sunday, April 7 - May 26 

I know life gets in the way, and this is many Sundays! I want to offer the opportunity for a true practice to set in. That being said, it is completely understood that folks will need to miss some. I recommend missing no more than 3. 

I will be providing an original animist guided meditation practice to supplement the weeks you miss. 

  • time: 10:30am-1pm

  • location: Rock Point, Burlington, VT 

  • frequently asked questions

    • what if I can't make them all? 

      • No worries: I will have recorded guided meditations to engage in your own practice when we are apart. I suggest missing no more than 3, if possible.

    • will we be in the cabin the whole time? 

      • No, we will be walking outside, in the forest and meadows, for at least half of the time. The cabin is a warm refuge for winter months, and a place to sit and journal, meditate, and gather in the warmer months. We will sit outside whenever possible. 

exchange for labor

i am offering a tiered price system based on your personal finance experience. the new price reflects the additional time added to circles this season, as requested by feedback.

tier 1: $320 ($40 a session)

tier 2: $400 ($50 a session)

tier 3: $480 ($60 a session)

tier 4: an opening for generosity

of your choosing

the green bottom diagram below may aid you in determining where you fall on the sliding scale, or you can use a gut feeling of what is accessible to you at this moment. 

if you are in a financial place where you need to work something else out, please reach out! i offer a limited number of flexible slides and barters.



click the button below to sign up. it will take you to my scheduler; once you have provided your information, i will send you instructions on how you may pay. 

if you have questions beforehand, you can reach me via email

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